Claw Machine Game TOREBA

Claw Machine Game TOREBA

Play one of the best real claw machine games online and get prizes and official Japanese plushies and figures! Get the same feeling as playing a claw machine game in an arcade with the Claw Machine Game Toreba! Prizes won will be shipped to your doorstep! Stock rotates constantly to keep the game fresh and exciting. See something you like? Grab it before someone else does! Register today and play for free!

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The Prize Grab Machine is a Toreba Web App exclusive in which free Play Tickets can be acquired.
There are many variations ranging from 'free-plays until you win', '1 free play per day', and more.

The 'Try Your Luck' Prize Grab Machines reset at 06:00 (JST) each day.

Please see the related news article for more information on Prize Grab Machines.

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